Tuesday, March 4, 2008

McCarthyite Mishmash: Kenneth Timmerman's "Shadow Warriors"

Partisan smears as brazen as this have been long absent from the American scene. Now, journalist Timmerman breaks new wind in this latest attempt at sensation-mongering hysteria. Since the "Iran nuclear program" has now been revealed as more fizzling sensationalism, one wonders how long the Pulitzer Committee will let him keep his prize.

Here we're offered more dubious details and more spin than a carnival whirligig. "The Party of Treason" - a swipe at the Democratic Party not heard for fifty years - and a "conspiracy of traitors" within the U.S. Government have colluded to bring down Our Beloved Leader and his Jihad for America. While reading this put on the theme from "The Twilight Zone" as background music. And he even names names! Wow, maybe he can be the next chairman of a revived Un-American Activites Committee! America needs another good witch hunt, eh? And here's the stake to burn 'em on. Pardon me while I yawn. . . .

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